Where else but at Higley Flow State Park. We know we keep going to this park, and people ask us if we are getting bored going to the same place all the time. The answer: Yes and No. It would be great to explore other areas of the Adirondacks, but this place is well kept, clean, quite, and it has virtually no bitting bugs!! The daily visit by Mr Ding-a-Ling in the ice cream truck make it even better.
We headed out on Friday afternoon, stopping at our favorite store “Price Choppers” (they offer gas rebate points). Only to see that many of our closest friends had the same idea. The parking lot was jammed with RVs and 5th wheels.

We arrived at Higley Flow and set up on our campsite. #19, for the first time. It adjacent to the shower house.
The weather was great for the entire trip. No rain, scattered cloud, and warm. Monday was the warmest. 30c.

Ben watching over our food. Not sure if we should trust him…..
A quick stop to see Alice. She works at the duty free store on the American side. You know you go in too often when she already knows your name, and license plate number…..And as soon as we walk through the door she addresses us as Mr and Mrs John.
The border crossing into Canada was delightfully short, only 5 minutes.
Now sitting here on our porch, watching Ottawa get hit with thunderstorms, we continue to relax…….until work tomorrow……