MMMMM, back to one of our favourites……
When we started booking sites for this trip we decided to go where we have not camped before, but as we progressed through the trip some adjustments had to be made. This brought us back to First Landing for 4 nights. We started camping here quite some time ago (exact year unknown). We did three years in the tent trailer before we upgraded to the RV we have now.
We were able to get site 73, which is next to site 101, which was the one we had last year. Although we wanted site 101, it was funny to find out that was occupied by a Toronto couple. They are lucky they get to stay for 2 weeks.
Our first day was sunny and warm followed by an overcast morning (Stephanie decided to do laundry, while John and the dogs hiked fro 11.5kms), with a sunny afternoon. The dogs spent that swimming in Chesapeake Bay.
More to come