The first trip of the season. Stephanie managed to find a provincial park that was opened early.
We arrived on a Monday, site 31, the same site that we used last fall. It does not have electricity, but that did not worry us. We used our Christmas money to purchase a RV generator. This was going to be its first test. The weather was nice. There was a cool wind, but it was sunny most of the time. Explored PEC, did some geocaching, and ended up staying for an extra day. We had to move to site 25 for the last night. As I mentioned we had to rough it without electricity, but in the end I should not complain. On the way to the comfort station on the last day we discovered 5 army personnel sleeping on the ground, in their sleeping bags, with no tent. They were just lying in the sand. We headed to North Bay on Saturday to spend it with my Mom. Oh yes, the gas price report – $189.9. Our next trip see’s us going to Higley Flow…’s been 2 long years.