I have always enjoyed playing Bingo here at the Miami Everglades RV Resort. It’s only $1 per card. They play 5 games, each with a winning amount of about $25, then the the big coverall game for $120. We have never won, but watching how serious some of these folks get about their Bingo is certainly worth the price of admission. We can’t wait to do it again.
After this picture was taken we had a family from Hollywood, FL join us at the table. Dad showed up first to secure seats for the rest. He purchased the family’s cards and sat down with us. He really did not have a concept about how the game was played and asked Stephanie for help. The daughter, Reena was next. She understood how to play but could not keep up with the caller. I ended up helping her and bring to keep an eye on my cards at the same time. Stephanie was still helping Dad. Mother showed up. She had actually lived in Ottawa for some time before moving to Calgary, then to the United States. She did alright. Finally their son came in. He did amazingly well. He was able to get and dress his popcorn, get a drink, and listen to music while paying attention to the caller and play his card all at the same time. Reena insisted that we share any of the winnings with our whole table. Although a nice thought, the group didn’t win a cent…..