Today we visited Colonial Williamsburg. This is a favorite spot for us. The attractions are spread throughout a pedestrian mall downtown (Colonial Williamsburg). Its like our Upper Canada Village, but based in the 1770’s. You stroll around the streets as period “actors” recreate the atmosphere of that time. At the end of the day Stephanie received the key to the…… the Wetherburn’s Tavern. It is a valuable key because at the time the meat, spices, and produce were the most expensive things.
- The fife and drum.
- Creating shingles.
- The typical farm kitchen.
- Stephanie with the beautiful brick arches of Colonial Williamsburg.
- A very knotty tree.
- The Wetherburn’s Tavern
- Stephanie at Wetherburn’s Tavern in Williamsburg.
- The blacksmiths shoppe.
- Transportation for the rich.
- Wigs
- Dinning room for the the Governor.
- Weapons in the Governors House.
- The Kitchen.
- The Study.
- Stephanie at Wetherburn’s Tavern.
- The Key holder…..