The rain subsided enough fo us to do a little touring in the area. Stephanie and I are really not into country music, but the history can be interesting. So a trip to the Grand Ole Opry was in order. A very elegant place with a very large treed courtyard to host pre events.
We toured around the downtown area and watched everyone getting ready for the NFL game. Thousands and thousands of people descending on the area. Tailgating everywhere!
We returned to the campsite in the afternoon to relax and enjoy the first bit of sun. This year Nashville is where we got to see the lunar eclipse.
- Inside the front foyer
- Stephanie challenging me to a game of checkers
- The main entrance to the Grand Ole Opry
- Celebrating 90 years….
- Stephanie supporting the musical industry.
- Stephanie supporting the musical industry.
- The area sunset
- Start of the lunar eclipse.