We stayed at the Tom Sawyer Mississippi River RV Park in West Memphis, Arkansas. Just across the river from Memphis, Tennessee. The park was nice. It had very clean but very interesting bathrooms. If you had to sit on the toilet, you couldn’t touch the floor. The park has be prone to floods from the Mississippi River in the past and everything has to be placed higher than normal. The area also had what they called Woolly Aphids. They look like tiny snowflakes floating in the air. They seem innocent, BUT they excrete small amounts of a waxy substance that gets everywhere. The substance is very sticky which means everything else sticks to it….The camper and van were a mess.
- The Arkansas/Tennessee border.
- Tom Sawyer RV Park
- Tom Sawyer camping site.
- West Memphis…..there was a geocache attached to the sign….
- The very high toilet.
- The Mississippi flood of 2011.
- A clear night at Tom Sawyers RV Park.
- Sticky wax everywhere. (the bugs are the white dots)